As a healthcare innovator with 40 years of clinical laboratory experience, Michael works with the eTrueNorth team to introduce creative disruption in the delivery of healthcare services with a focus on improving access and lowering cost. Under Michael’s leadership, eTrueNorth is expanding healthcare delivery by creating a network of CLIA-waived laboratories in retail pharmacies. The objective is to empower local pharmacists to administer preventive screenings, engage in medication management and close clinical gaps in care. Michael believes that partnerships with retail pharmacies, self-funded employers, third-party payors and pharmaceutical manufacturers can improve the collective ability to identify undiagnosed diseases and better manage chronic conditions.
When the COVID 19 pandemic crisis hit, eTrueNorth answered the call and knew it could use its proven infrastructure, relationships with major pharmacy brands and laboratory network to enable drive-through specimen collection and testing. Through active participation in the public-private partnership with HHS, eTrueNorth coordinated services at nearly 450 drive-through COVID-19 specimen collection sites nationwide. The coordinated COVID-19 response grew out of Michael’s interest in re-imagining medical consumerism and improved access to health-related services.
Michael is passionate about collaboration that is focused on fitting healthcare into everyday life and expanding the scope of services provided to medical consumers. The goal is a more effective, higher quality, multi-disciplinary healthcare delivery model which combines the flexibility of point-of-care testing with the opportunity for immediate dialogue with the patient/employee/consumer.